Friday, 23 May 2014

Safe as much as you can (within reason)

If you know what ‘enough money’ is to you, and if you earn as much as you can (within reason/in a healthy way), then you can safe a lot of it! Just, why would one safe any though? Well, it seems to be something natural. Saving and creating stocks is a perfectly normal phenomenon in nature. To survive the ‘winter’ you need to be able to safe up.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Earn as much as you can (within reason)

The credo is, ‘earn as much money as you can, given your unique skills and experience – but within reason’. John Wesley motivated his friends and students to work in a more professional manner. He taught them to get better and better in what it is they are good at, and to make more and more money while doing so. Not to become greedy, but to be able to provide well for their family, and to contribute to society. This principle is just as valuable now, as it was all those centuries ago. Besides, we are returning to a time that people have to take responsibilities themselves a lot more again. Because of the changing markets, more and more people are going to be running their own little company (just like 250 years ago), instead of being employed.