Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Mastery: Discipline and Diligence

Mastery is a journey many begin, but few finish. Some who are at the brink of reaching Mastery in their trade, stop growing once at the "destination". But a master is only a master if he or she produces masterpieces all the time. To remain a master is an art. Part of the art of becoming and staying a master is diligence and discipline. Discipline is not just necessary to grow in your mastery, but also to remain a master. Mastery demands long-term discipline of the one who wants to become and remain a master in his or her trade. In studying masters of their trade, you will soon realize the immense dedication for decades, through daily rituals or practices, that led them to become and stay masters.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Key to thrive in complexity

The world we live in is the most complex any generation has ever seen. Social Media and instant connectivity within a global village forces change on people and business that they are not even aware of.

Friday, 19 February 2016

South Africa: People of Resilience

Resilience: The ability of a person to handle crises, change, setbacks and surprises in a healthy manner.

South Africa has many examples of people who have shown resilience in the midst of turmoil, financial problems, lack of opportunity and hatred of the opposition. One such person we all know is Nelson Mandela. It says in Christo Brand's book: My Prisoner, My Friend that when Mandela's warden asked him, "why are you studying?" that he answered, "I might get out one day and then I need to be ready". When asked why he woke up each morning at five to exercise in his small prison cell, he gave the same answer.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

5 tips to boost resilience!

1. Choose the right friends
People with positive friends have more energy, more brainpower and live longer. People with negative friends become negative themselves.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The art of transitions

Looking back at the path of any master, you will see many transitions. Masters in their trade have come to acknowledge and embrace transitions in their life.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Thinking isn’t as easy as it seems

From the minute we wake up till the minute we fall asleep our brains work producing thoughts faster than we can speak them; actually even while we sleep our brains keep on working. So you would think with all that practice we would be really good at it!