Mastery is a journey many begin, but few finish. Some who are at the brink of reaching Mastery in their trade, stop growing once at the "destination". But a master is only a master if he or she produces masterpieces all the time. To remain a master is an art. Part of the art of becoming and staying a master is diligence and discipline. Discipline is not just necessary to grow in your mastery, but also to remain a master. Mastery demands long-term discipline of the one who wants to become and remain a master in his or her trade. In studying masters of their trade, you will soon realize the immense dedication for decades, through daily rituals or practices, that led them to become and stay masters.
A recent
interview by Eben Harrell with Sir Dave Brailsford shows how discipline to constantly improve in small increments can have drastic effects on the level of mastery over the long run. During your path to mastery marginal gains, through continual discipline and diligence, as exemplified by Sir Dave Brailsford and the British Cycling team, makes a tremendous difference.
Without diligence and discipline, the quality of the service or product is in jeopardy. The constant practice of the virtue of discipline and diligence is crucial on the pathway to mastery in any profession.
Cias Ferreira
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