Wednesday 21 December 2011

Are you born as an artist?

and no!

It is true that everybody is born with a unique set of skills and natural abilities, such as: creative thinking, design, musical abilities, organizing, dancing, etc. Nonetheless, this does not mean that these natural abilities and skills do not need any development, and it absolutely does not mean that one automatically gets to the level of professional just because he has these skills and natural abilities. However, we all have a special set of natural abilities and skills and therefore the potential in ourselves to develop them to a next level!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Mastery as THE source of inner motivation

In his new book ‘drive’ Daniel Pink argues that better performance and inner motivation/personal satisfaction exist out of 3 factors, which can release lasting intrinsic energy:

1.    Mastery: continuously growing in your profession, hobbies etc;
2.    Autonomy: getting the space that you need to be able to shape your work-situation in a responsible way, being self-directive;
3.    Purpose: experiencing that your contribution to the company/organization is an essential one, and doing so, realizing a positive contribution to society.

This blog ‘mastery’ will be about the first pillar of the intrinsic motivation.

Are you a professional who wants to grow in your profession? Than this is the blog that will inspire you 2 times a month to continuously really choose for your profession.

Chris Sommer (master goldsmith) and I (Paul Ch. Donders), have written a new book with the title ‘mastery’. It roughly contains the following themes:

  • 3000 years history of craftsmanship
  • how to grow from student to professional, to master and finally to artist
  • 5 elements of inspiring design
  • 5 secrets from a master

Curious? Follow this blog, and let yourself be taken by the exiting world of mastery…

An excellent short movie (about 10 minutes) in regard to Daniel Pink and his book ‘Drive’ can be found on YouTube: at RSA drive/Daniel Pink